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These partners share Human Lights' values, objectives and methods of intervention. We invite each other to cooperate as needed....

They are management consultants, coaches, trainers, facilitators in collaborative methods, equine consultants, explorers, witnesses, artists…

Each has his own business : it is in a free way that we choose to constitute teams ad hoc or to recommend us mutually.

This network is opened. Welcome, thus, to those who think they can contribute to my missions or would like associating me to one of theirs.

If I am consulted for a mission or an action which I cannot assume myself, for a reason or an other one, I gladly take time to listen to the need and to recommend the person who can answer it best.

Here are some of those with which these collaborations and exchanges exist or are possible…

You can enter directly in connection with them, if you think it is the good choice. In this case, please tell them simply the path by which you came.