1. Transparency and consistency towards our clients – decision-makers
Everything does not depend only on top managers of companies and teams which we accompany. But the progress that they aim, the change that they want to achieve, also have to pass by them. We want to support with loyalty and without complaisance the leaders who choose us to work with them.
2. Serving the higher common interest
It can seem presumptuous to refer to “the higher interest”. But when it happens that we are in touch with not connected, divided parts, even in opposition, try to put us together in the service of the whole and of its purpose is an important key.
3. Kindness, trust, people valorization
We want to help the persons to whom we are close to reveal, value and use the good, the beautiful which they can bring. In relation with a person, a group, a team, we know that this treasure exists in them and between them; our role sometimes is to help them to discover it, and often to use it.
4. Confidentiality, caring to people
We are extremely vigilant not to make penalizing use for the persons of the information obtained with them. Generally, we nevertheless make use of it, of course: we take care that it is clever and constructive, in the service of the general interest.
5. Open will, acceptance of what is progressive and uncertain
Change requests a surplus of will. But what kind of will ? Everything cannot be known nor defined in advance. To appeal to the participation, to ask questions, to release the initiative, it can reserve surprises… We support the will and the volunteers, while helping them to open to the unknown and to welcome the unexpected.
6. The solution passes by the relation
Saint-Exupéry wrote: “in life, there are no solutions. There are strengths which run. It is necessary to create them and the solutions follow”. We say that one of these strengths, it is the relation between the persons. We are very watchful to it : what does take place in the relation between the persons which invites them and encourages them to dare, to undertake, to build together ?
7. …?…
It is the principle of interrogation, of continuous search, of innovation. It is the essential for us : being attentive to our clients, listening to them and seeking to include their stakes, wanting to co-create with them the relevant path, while helping them to outgrow themselves, and meanwhile ourselves too. Learning, together, always…